Farmers Markets!!!!

Love, love, love me some farmers markets.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm not a people person.  Which saying that in a blog post makes me laugh, to be honest, but it's very true.  I don't go out, I don't party or do any of those outgoing things that a lot of people are into.  I'm boring and I like i t.  Again I laugh.  

Covid restrictions didn't really effect me, because I never really did anything anyway but starting farmers markets has opened an entirely new world for me.  I find myself waking up early and going to these markets where I'm forced to be social...which is like whaaaaaat.  Again, I laugh.  Now every Saturday you'll find me in Elkin where I smile and I laugh and I talk to perfect strangers which is completely out of my comfort zone but what's the coolest that I like it.
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